I did my weekly visit to Publix today–we are fairly stocked up at the moment…but there is always a good deal to be found!  I decided to check the meat section in hopes that I would find a holiday ham or turkey on markdown.  There were not any marked down BUT I did see a few turkeys that were expiring within two days.  I decided to ask the meat manager if he planned on marking them down soon.  He said he was not going to mark them down as he could get full credit for them. I thanked him and said, “It never hurts to ask!”   He smiled and  asked me how many I wanted.  I told him one– if it was cheap enough.  I was tickled when he told me to pick out a turkey and he would mark it down for me!  SO–I was able to get a fresh turkey breast that was originally priced at over $15 for only $5 and change (less than $1 per pound!!)  Since I plan my menus in advance- I put the turkey in the freezer and will pull it out when I am ready to cook it!
I also bought a few items that were requested by my family.  Here is what I bought this week:
Muellers Pasta X 3 (-$1/3 IP)
Pam Spray X 2 (-two $.35/1 MQ and two $.55/1 PQ)
Marzetti Croutons (-$.50 IP)
Sargento Cheese X 2 (-two $.40/1)
Frosted Flakes X 2 (-two $1/1 blinkies)
Publix Eggs -carton of 18 (- free eggs WYP 2 Kellogg’s tearpad Q)
Heinz vinegar (-$.50/1 IP)
Publix Fresh Turkey Breast- 6 1/2 lb (huge markdown)
Publix Bleach (-penny item Q)
bag of dry lima beans
Hillshire Farm pepperoni X 2 (-1/2 MQ)
Fresh yellow squash
Fresh asparagus
Ragu Pizza Sauce
My total (pre-coupon) was $34.17.  After coupons (including a $6 MQ) my total was $14.59.  Not a bad haul considering my out of pocket was less than the original cost of the turkey.