I decided to do some of my shopping today so I could use those Bird’s Eye Coupons from the Advantage Buy flyer before it expired.  Boy am I ever glad I went today!  I got lots of groceries INCLUDING our 10.86 pound Easter ham for  for a whopping total of $7.52 (including tax)!
The ham was supposed to be over $27… so how on earth could I pay less than $10 for the ham and $60+ of groceries? Well–I think the planets were in perfect alignment for this deal to occur.  I had intended to purchase a semi boneless ham for $1.39/lb.  When I was unable to find that ham I spoke with the meat manager.  He told me that they did not have any semi boneless in stock BUT he would gladly substitute another brand and give me the $1.39/lb sale price. While looking through the hams, I found a Smithfield ham that was priced at less than $10.  I immediately grabbed it and began checking the tag.  The meat manager explained that he had just marked the ham down due to the fact that it’s expiration date was 4/5/09.  The original tag indicated that the ham was originally priced at $27.  He told me if I wanted that ham–he would guarantee that it remain fresh and ready to cook on Easter Sunday.  He even said that if I opened it on Saturday night and had any concerns–I could return it and he would gladly give me a replacement at no cost!  How could I resist!  I am planning on freezing the ham (just in case) and I will thaw it in time to cook for Easter.  Meat markdowns are a fantastic way to get a great deal!! 
I had a coupon for $6 off pork WYB Kingsford charcoal.  I also had a rain check for the Kingsford and a FLIP to save $3 off charcoal. All of these coupons combined gave me overage to use on my ham.  I also had overage from the Birdseye veggies and bought 4 jars of Pace salsa and use the $4/1 coupon to get even more overage!! 
Here is what I purchased:
 12 Steamfresh Veggies 

 8 Kraft Dressing

1 No-Salt Del Monte Tomatoes

1 Thomas’ English Muffins

1 Value Pack Gorton’s Fish Sticks

1 Breakstone’s Sour Cream

1 Kingsford Charcoal (This will be given away as we have a gas grill J)

4 Pace Salsa

2+ lbs squash

1 head of lettuce

2 tomatoes

2+ lbs chicken breast

4+ lbs whole chicken

10.86 lb Smithfield Ham

My total pre-coupons was $72.76
My total after coupons was $6.14 + $1.38 tax = $7.52 (90% savings)
It is deals like this that remind me why it is important to get a rain check for items that are out of stock–sometimes they can make for great deals later on!