I just finished reading a very informative ebook titled Secrets of Entertainment.  This ebook was written by Julie Parrish–one of the fantastic owners of the site Hot Coupon World. 
I am a big fan of the Entertainment Book.  I first began buying it years ago from my client’s children who sold them as part of various fundraising activities. Back then, the books would gather dust in a desk drawer until they were replaced by the next year’s batch.  It wasn’t until last year that I realized the magnitude of savings really possible using the Entertainment Book. One day I opened the book and really began looking at the wide range of savings options in the book.  I started using it as a go-to resource when making decisions about where to go and what to do.  In doing so, I opened my family up to many new dining experiences as well as fun activities that might have been otherwise unknown to us! 
Julie goes into detail on how to use the book in the most effective way possible.  I love how she suggests using the Entertainment Book’s offers with restaurant in-house promotions to really get the most bang for your buck while dining out. Julie also points out how having multiple books can be a great way to save on big dollar events such as a child’s birthday party.  Anyone with kids know how quickly a party can turn into a money pit!   I can attest to the usefulness of the book as last year I was able to combine offers to get a great deal on my youngest son’s party at The Little Gym!
Julie breaks down the entire book- section by section- and offers tips and suggestions that is sure to save you even more money! I would highly recommend taking a few moments to read her FREE ebook HERE.
Feel free to leave a comment about the ebook or your personal experiences with the Entertainment Book.