reabte rebate pic 2

 Annette emailed me her latest find.  A booklet from Kraft with coupons for each month of the year through 2010.  There are also TWO $20.00 rebate forms included in the book: Get a $20 rebate when you buy 10 Nabisco Cookies and crackers, 5 beverages (Capri-Sun and Kool-Aid Jammers) and 5 Easy Mac Single Cups.  First rebate period is 7/1/09-12/31/09.
If you are thinking of doing the rebate now you could possibly get all the items for FREE after the MIR!

Here is a possible scenario to help with the rebate requirements:

Buy 10 Chips Ahoy (BOGO $3.25 right now ) = $16.25
Buy 10 Capri Sun Packages (Advantage Buy right now @ $1.89) = $18.90
Buy 6 Easy Mac (I believe they are .99¢ each) = $5.94
Total of products = $41.09

Use the following coupons:
TEN -$2 off Nabisco Chips Ahoy And (1) Capri Sun Product
THREE BOGO Easy Mac Coupons
Total After coupons = $18.12 plus tax

Submit for the $20 MIR–You get all your products for FREE after MIR and maybe even make a little bit of money!

Many of you probably will get this booklet in the mail as I posted about requesting the booklet HERE on July 1st. But keep an eye out for the booklet in the stores as well!
Thanks Annette!