
We have had so much going on here at my house the last week or so that I am just a few steps behind. I was at the Allergist all morning with my 3 year old. Poor thing had to endure a skin test that included 24 little shots…when you are 3 there is no such thing as a “little” shot 🙁   All of that just to tell us that he is allergic to stinging insects…um, yeah I knew that!!  My 2 year old is just a wild child–we are working to add Occupational Therapy to see if we can get some of his sensory issues in check. So–we have been to various doctor and specialist appointments galore in the past few days. Those appointments have also required numerous calls and lots of time spent on the phone…so hopefully you guys can bear with me as I try to get everything back on track 🙂
With all of that said–Menu Plan Monday is just a little late.
This week I am doing the following for dinner:
Homemade Fajitas
Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole
Ham-Go-Round, Salad
Spaghetti & Meatballs, Garlic Bread
Lasagna Rollups–I make them with Chicken and a Bechamel sauce–YUMMY!
Grilled Marinated Pork Steaks, squash casserole, rice side, broccoli