We had doctors appointments and shopping to do this morning…so I had to giggle when I came home to over 20 emails about the $2/1 Tidy Cats peelies from all of you guys.  I have to say that I have the best group of readers out there!  You guys are always so great about letting me know when there is a good deal to be found–so please keep it up!!
Find the Tidy Cats jugs with the $2/1 peelies and you are paying $2.99 for TWO jugs of litter!  Even though I don’t have pets I know that is a great deal!!!
While we are talking about pets…Sue emailed me to let me know that Goodlife Pet coupons are available HERE ($3/1 -Dogs; $2/1 cats; $1/1 treats)
Huge thanks to: Rosemary, Sue, Jenn, Suzanne, KLP, Jenny, Lisa, Amanda, Beth, Amy, MC, Jenna and all my other anonymous helpers 🙂 You guys ROCK!