I was over on Allyou.com looking for the coupon preview when I noticed that they had a couple of COUPONS that might make for a good deal:
-$.50/1 Log Cabin Syrup (combine this with the $.75/1 Log Cabin Q from the Toss 4 Cash) if you store doubles coupons you have $1.75 towards a bottle of syrup!  Anyone know the price of the smallest bottle? We go through a lot of syrup around here 🙂
I am about to put up a post about my Walgreens trip over on I Heart Saving Money about finding the clearanced Ghiradelli Luxe and wish I had the $1/2 coupons that are over on the All You site…maybe there will be more at my store!
Go HERE and under view by category–click on the All You Exclusive Coupons to print coupons that you can’t get elsewhere!