Christine over at Becoming Household 6 emailed me a deal to share with you guys.  If you plan on buying lunch meat and/or Townhouse crackers there is a deal you don’t want to miss…Here is what she did:

Keebler Flipside Crackers are BOGO $3.99
There was a peelie on the box for $1 off 2 boxes. There was also a Publix coupon for a free reusable shopping bag (reg price .99¢) with the purchase of 2 Keebler crackers. I then found a tearpad nearby with a coupon for $2 off any deli meat when you purchase 1 box so I grabbed 2 of those coupons and found 2 packages of Publix lunch meat (prepackaged) for 2/$4…
Flipside Crackers (2 boxes) $3.99
Publix Lunch Meat (2 pkgs) $4.00
Reusable Shopping Bag $0.99
TOTAL $8.98
minus $1/2 cracker coupon -$1.00
minus reusable tote coupon -$0.99
minus two $2/1 lunch meat coupons -$4.00
TOTAL PAID $2.99 for all items!!!

There are also $1/2 cracker tearpad coupons out there so dig through your binders.  If you were planned on buying lunch meat it is like getting it for $1 off and getting 2 boxes or crackers to boot! Great deal Christine!