What a mess…for those of you who are in my neck of the woods I hope this message finds you all safe and your homes dry!  That storm was a doozie!  For those of you in other areas I am sure you have seen some of the pictures on the news of the massive damage and deaths caused by the storm.  My area got approximately 18 inches of water and there is considerable damage.  I am out in the boonies and there are only 2 direct routes to my house and one of them is no longer available as the road compelely washed away!
I am very happy to report that everything here is just fine…just a little disruption in the utlilities for a while!  I am glad to have my computer back up and running 🙂
I am so thankful that Kerry was kind enough to take over while I was gone.  I know what a huge chore it is to do the ad with match ups so she really deserves a big pat on the back! THANK YOU KERRY! 
It will take me a while to get through all of my emails.  I appreciate all the kind words you all sent.  If you asked me a question I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.  As for the $50 gift card give away–I am extending the cut off until 11 pm tonight.  If you haven’t entered yet you still have a few hours. 
Off to try and catch up 🙂