This week I have been totally off track.  The Labor Day holiday threw me off and then I had a sick husband home for a few days.  So I lost track of my days!  I shopped several times this week–once last weekend and twice this past week. My totals this week are a bit higher than I typically spend in a week but there were a few out of the ordinary events.  We usually go out to eat once a week -typically on Saturday night.  We had such a busy day Saturday that we didn’t go early enough and my husband had a important date with the TV to watch his beloved Alabama play.  So I decided to let Publix cook us dinner 🙂  I got a Rotisserie chicken meal which in all actuality saved us a chunk of change as we would have spent much more at a sit down restaurant–but it did make my grocery totals a bit higher than normal.
Also, since my husband was home I got a pizza for lunch one day. I usually do left overs, pantry items or sandwiches for lunch–but I decided to be a nice wife and surprise my husband with one of his favorites…since he was on the mend and all 🙂  I also went to the store one day without a list and just could not pass up a couple of Ribeye steaks!  They were 40% off last week and I had some meat coupons!  So my stuffed cabbage rolls will move to next week’s menu!
So my total spent this week was $38.90 for $203.44 worth of groceries.  I saved 81% this week!  I consider that a great week especially with all the out of the ordinary events!  Here is what I got for $38.90:

Product quantity price   minus Q TOTAL Q details
Fruity Cheerios 2 2 4 3.5 0.5  two $.75/1 + $1/1 Target IP
Helluva Dip 2 1 2 2 0 two $.50/1 IP
Dove PB candy (rain check) 2 2.25 4.5 4 0.5 two $1/1 Target + $1/1 MQ
Tortilla chips-penny item 1 2.59 2.59 2.58 0.01 penny item Q
Super Pretzel 1 1.5 1.5 1 0.5 $.50/1 MQ
Kraft Ranch Dressing 18 1.5 27 27 0 eighteen $1.50/1 tearpad Q’s
milk 1 2.25 2.25   2.25  
zucchini 1 0.5 0.5 1 -0.5 $1/1 produce WYB @ kraft
broccoli 1 1.09 1.09 1 0.09 $1/1 produce WYB @ kraft
watermelon 1 1.83 1.83 1 0.83 $1/1 produce WYB @ kraft
bananas 1 0.97 0.97 1.5 -0.53 $1/1 produce WYB @ kraft
mushrooms 1 1.99 1.99 1 0.99 $1/1 produce WYB @ kraft
corn 3 0.25 0.75 1 -0.25 $1/1 produce WYB @ kraft
squash 1 1.06 1.06 1 0.06 $1/1 produce WYB @ kraft
cabbage 1 1.8 1.8 1 0.8 $1/1 produce WYB @ kraft
bell pepper 1 0.94 0.94 1 -0.06 $1/1 produce WYB @ kraft
tax 1 0.93 0.93   0.93  
Rotisserie Family meal 1 12.29 12.29   12.29  
Heinz Ketchup 1 2 2 3 -1 $3 off 2 Ball Park Franks, and 1 Heinz 
Super Pretzel 1 1.5 1.5 1 0.5 $.50/1 MQ
Publix bread 1 1.25 1.25   1.25  
Sara Lee Hot Dog Bun 1 2 2 2 0  
Publix Hot Dog Buns 1 0.99 0.99 1 -0.01 Free WYB 2 ball park MQ
Ball Park Turkey Franks 2 2 4   4 FREE Publix buns Q
Ore-Ida Fries 2 1.09 2.18 1 1.18 $.50/1 Home mailer
Betty Crocker Cookies 3 1.34 4.02 2.4 1.62 three .40/1 IP
Babybel cheese 1 1.65 1.65 0.55 1.1 $.55/1 Tearpad
Rotel Tomatoes 4 0.65 2.6 1.3 1.3 two BOGO Q’s
Mrs Paul’s Fish Sticks 2 2.25 4.5 5 -0.5 $1.50/1 IP + two $1/1 Toss 4 Cash
tax 1 1.17 1.17   1.17  
Meat (2 pkgs) 1 4.82 4.82 4 0.82 two $2/1 Meat WYB 2 kraft
Ribeye Steaks (2 pks) 1 9.87 9.87 4 5.87 two $2/1 Meat WYB 2 kraft
Smoked Ham 1 4.15 4.15 2 2.15 1 $2/1 meat WYB Kraft
Kraft BBQ  10 0.7 7 7.5 -0.5 ten $.35/1 Peelies
Digiorno Pizza 2 5 10 2 8 $2/2 Tearpad
tax 1 0.54 0.54   0.54  
Store Coupons     0 7 -7 $5/1 comp + 2 $1/1 grocery item Q
TOTAL OOP         38.9  

How did you do this week. Leave a comment or link to your weekly totals.