
I have had several of you email me asking what to do with excess and/or expired coupons.  I am thrilled to tell you about a great partership between Aubrey over at  Eastern Shore Mom and Shannon over at The Bargain Buggy.  They have partnered for Operation: Coupons–the adoption of the U.S. Airforce base in SPANGDAHLEM, GERMANY! 

Did you know that American soldiers and their families stationed overseas can use coupons up to 6 months after the expiration date to save at the commissary!  WOW–what a great use for your excess/expireds!

 Aubrey and Shannon have the details on their sites including the address and guidelines about shipping!  They suggest using parcel post which is a super economic way to ship–you might consider asking a few friends to join you in the project and you’ll be able to split the cost of shipping!

Go visit Eastern Shore Mom or The Bargain Buggy for more info!

Aubrey & Shannon you guys are great!!