I try to pass on good ways to make a little extra money whenver I see the opportunity…well there are two things that I am doing now that I am excited about.
aliceYou guys know I love Swagbucks–well right now they are offering a $5 Alice.com gift card for a measly 12 Swabucks.  It looks like it is limit one per account…but hey that is FREE money!  I recently joined Alice.com and they are basically an online grocery store BUT they offer coupons and often you can get some super deals.  They always offer FREE shipping so thanks to the Swagbucks gift card I will get something completely FREE.  Alice.com is also offering a $10 bonus when you spend $50 which is a pretty decent incentive as many of their prices are great with their coupons.  I think of it like any other grocery store…I check prices and I buy from the one with the best deal.  It is kind of nice to have this as an option as well–especially since the only effort required is a little online browsing–I can shop in my pajamas 🙂
So if you have 12 Swagbucks you might consider grabbing an Alice.com $5 gift card as a way to give Alice.com a trial run!  You can click on the blue links to go to the site and log in/sign up.  Also–Swagbucks seem to offer the Alice.com gift card randomly so be on the lookout!
berubyI also just signed up for BeRuby.com–this site pays you when you click through to sites you might visit anyway!  If you visit sites like Facebook, Twitter and shop online you might want to join.  You will not get rich quick but I am on the computer everyday so I figure I might as well get paid to visit the sites that I frequent 🙂 Go HERE to sign up and learn more!