I just wanted to let you guys know I just cleaned out the trades page!  I am now going to delete all requests that are 10 days old.  You are welcome to re-post if you have not received a trade within that 10 day period but I cannot let the page get out of hand again!  There were over 400 trade requests–that is 14 pages of trades!! I know most people are not going to scroll through that many pages looking to trade! Hopefully a clean page will make it a bit easier!!
I also deleted all comments that were not trade based. 
While we are discussing comments…you guys can comment freely on this site!  I do ask that you keep it clean.  I also wanted to let you know that if you are a first time commenter your comment will not appear until I approve it.  I am not online at all times so it may take some time for your comment to publish.  Those who have commented previously any subsequent comments will automatically publish.  I would love to say that I see all comments that get published but that is not the case.  I see a small amount on my dashboard. If I see a question that needs answered I do my best to answer it!  Often I do not see the question–there are tons of fabulous readers on this site that are great about responding to questions–if you need me you can email me.  There is a big button on the top right side of the site that say click to email me 😀   I try very hard to get back to everyone who emails me but again understand that I average over 400 site related emails (I Heart Publix & I Heart Saving Money combined) per day so it may take me some time to filter through everything!  I am very appreciative of all the deals and info that you send me and feel that if you take the time to email me you deserve a response.  I honestly think I have the best readers ever and I am thankful!