Amanda over at A Few Short Cuts has come up with another great meal for us –Crock Pot Tip Roast with Mushroom Gravy! You guys know I am a huge fan of meals that are simple and delicious. I love using the crockpot and typically use mine at least twice per week. It is such a timesaver and most all of the recipes I have done in my crockpot have been delicious. There were a few that were not great but never anything completely inedible 🙂
Go HERE to see Amanda’s full meal deal that will only cost about $2.23 per person!  What a deal!!
I am going to give this one a whirl as I spent way too much time in the kitchen last night! I made Pork Dumplings that were delicious but VERY time consuming!! I think I was in the kitchen for 3 hours last night! The only perk is that the recipe made so many that I have several batches that I was able to stick in the freezer to pull out whenver I feel th urge. I also made Laurie’s Southern Living Apple Cake so that accounted for a little bit of time too.  If you haven’t tried this let’s just say it was a big hit here…everyone requested seconds!!
Be on the lookout as Laurie from Publix Penny Pincher has agreed to do a weekly post for me that I think you guys are going to like!  Go HERE to see what Laurie has on her menu for the week (you will see the Stuffed Pasta Shells on my meal plan Monday next week–yummy!)