divine caroline
UPDATE– I am so tickled…in less than 24 hours you guys put me in 8th place for my category!  There are 18 pages of nominees and you guys moved me to the 1st page in a day!  I think I might tear up!!
I know it is cliche to say it is an honor just to be nominated–but it really is!  The fact that you guys took me to 8th place in less than 24 hours is amazing to me!!   Most of the nominees were nominated months ago–so I still feel like a winner!  A HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!!
I got an email yesterday letting me know that I Heart Saving Money was nominated for The Divine Caroline Love This Site Award.  I just got another email letting me know that I Heart Publix was just nominated!
I have to send a big THANK YOU to the person who nominated this site too!  I am so thankful to all of you who send the kind emails and leave the great comments–you guys make running these sites totally worth it!!
While I would love to think winning was possible–I am a very late entry as the deadline for votes is this Friday at 7 pm.  But I would still be thrilled for you to vote HERE if you “Love This Site”.