This week’s penny item is Publix Juice (grape juice at my store).
The penny item coupon is valid for use on Sunday and/or Monday. The actual coupon can be found in the ad located in the Sunday paper (usually on the front cover). Florida does not participate in the penny item promotion. Let me know if your store offers a different item!
the penny coupon is switching over to wednesdays thought id let you know.
My Store has Hot Chocolate
It was either Grape or White Grape Juice at my store!
My store has large bags of M&Ms
The clerk at Publix told me that from now on the Penny coupon will be good for Thursdays only (I’m not sure if it’s running in the Wednesday or Thursday paper)and you’ll have to have the coupon in order to get the penny item. Up until now they’ve been pretty lax about that as long as you were buying $10 or more in groceries.