Jessica emailed to ask for some tips on saving money (other than the grocery store savings) so I thought I would post my answer for everyone to see then open it up to you the readers since there is strength (and more info) in numbers 🙂

1. Consider calling your utility companies on a regular basis (every few months) to see if they have any specials or plans that may help to reduce your rate. You would be surprised that often all you have to do is ask and you may get a temporary reduction thanks to a promotion or even a permanent reduction!  I call my cable company every few months and more often than not they have a promo where I can get my Internet service reduced for a few months!  You might consider shopping around and finding out competitor pricing and asking if your company will match the price.  Usually a company would rather keep your business and give you the discount than lose you as a customer!

2. Re-use or re-purpose items.  I will admit that I never used to do this.  If I received a gift I never thought about keeping the bag that the gift came in until one day I paid attention to the fact that I paid almost $5 for a gift bag!  Hello–keep those babies and reuse them again.  The same goes for the plastic containers that from margarine, dips, etc.  These are perfect to hold craft items or small toys.  I don’t care to see the logo so I might have the boys help me decorate the bowl so that you’d never know it was a Country Crock Tub 🙂  There are a million examples of way to save money by re-using or re-purposing.  I bet you guys have all kinds of ideas! 

3. Barter! This is one of my FAVORITE ways to save money! Everyone has talents and all you have to do is find someone who is willing to swap with you! 

4. Saving When Eating Out.  I cook the majority of meals here at home but once per week we do dinner out —my night off 🙂  Where we goes often depends on what coupon I have available!  My favorite option is  I just got several $25 gift certificate for $2!!  Different restaurants have different requirements but whenever possible I keep a few of these on hand to our favorite places.  Using a certificate my family can eat for at least 1/2 of what we would typically pay!!  Right now you can get 80% at by using the code SHARE.  So… I can let my family choose from one of the four certificates I have on hand and still save money!!  (The code is valid through 12/14.)

You can find restaurant coupons everywhere!  Did you notice there are several offers right now HERE on! Currently, there is an offer for a $20 gift card when you buy a $100 gift card at Maggiano’s.  That is like getting FREE money if that is a place you frequent.  $120 would probably cover 2 maybe 3 meals for my family–by buying the gift card during the promotion I am able to stretch our dining out budget even farther!! Also, check your inserts there are often coupons in there too!  If you go to the your favorite restaurants website and join their club you will often get coupons and be notified of special events/deals by email!!  Lots of places also give you freebies on your birthday!!

5. Track your expenses.  Take one week and write down every penny you spend.  At the end of the week analyze your findings and determine what percentage of that money spent was for necessary vs unnecessary items!  I bet you would be shocked at how much money you spend on completely unnecessary things!  Even if you determine you only spend $10 a week on unnecessary items that is like blowing $520 a year!!  Of course we all need our treats and luxury items but make a point to track your spending–I bet you will find yourself thinking twice when you pick up that one bottle of soda that cost $1.50 at the convenience store!! 

These are just the first things that came to my head. I’d love for you all to share your money saving ideas and tips!! After all alot of times we have learned lessons the hard way 🙂