There is a lot of excitement about the $4/1 Knox coupon that was in today’s RedPlum insert! The coupon does indeed state $4 off ANY Knox product…that means you can grab the Knox Gelatine which is about $1.39 per box and get it for FREE + overage (if your store allows!)
Thanks to Emily, Crystal, Tina, Melanie, Lisa M, Amanda, Melissa, Lisa, Star, Michelle, Kelly, Natalie & Trish…I told you there was lots of excitement 🙂
When I seen that in my paper i stopped everything i was doing to blog about it lol.
After I saw that it was in my paper, I bought 6 more at the dollar store today. Yippee! I have a great recipe to use the gelatine, too, I will have to email it to you.
Where in the store am I going to find the gelatine? Thanks for the info!
There weren’t any in the Atlanta area newspaper. :O(
It is in the AJC. It is on the same page as the Nature’s Bounty, Sundown, and Ester-C.
I would love to have a recipe for using the gelatin!
I was so excited about the $1/1 Nabisco coupon that I grabbed all of the SS from my fav restaurants 4 newspapers and passed on the RP! Dang! Lesson learned!
Bummer! I didn’t get it down here in Florida! =( I was so excited, too.
You can buy these at They have plenty of them!! My paper didn’t have this coupon so I was very happy to see that coupon clippers did!
Oh YAY! Thanks Rachel! I didn’t look too closely at that page, I was looking for food item match, not a supplement. I guess I need to be more careful in the future!
They have some on Ebay too. Just bought some!
I live on south Fl and we got them. I bought 3 papers. 2 different ones. They were in my city paper, but not in the larger one! But, the larger one had a page of Target coupons BUT nor Redplum! WEIRD!!!
As soon as I saw that q, I ran to my computer to hit EBay before all the listings got bought up and/or prices were out of my price range! 😉
Aaaahhhhhh…God is good ! 🙂
Unfortunately, all the Publix stores around me are clamping down on overage. They are so high strung that they won’t even do a .30 overage. I have used this Q before (a couple months ago) and they allowed it, but now everything has changed and I’m kind of nervous to try it again. Anyone else having “more” of a problem with overage @ Publix lately?
i have a question about overage, while we are on the subject:) i have heard that several places are adjusting the coupon value down to the value of the item instead of allowing overage-my neighborhood bilo does this though my publix does not. when they do this and redeem the coupon, dont they get the full value of the coupon back? it doesnt say anywhere on these coupons to adjust the value based on item purchased, so isnt it inapropriate for the stores to give you far less in savings than they themselves will be getting in return?
sarah – i’ve wondered the same thing about how they redeem coupons when there is overage involved. if someone has any insight i would be interested to know! where i live, it depends on the store/cashier. at one store the cashiers will check each coupon against the applicable item and at another they just scan everything without any hassle. guess which one i prefer??
I found the gelatin near the Jello and Pie crust at our store. Just bought some on ebay!!! yipeee…I think it was 10 for $4.
So far in my area they have gotten very particular but mostly in reading the coupons to make sure I’m buying the correct item and checking expiration dates. I began to separate my Publix/competitor coupons from my Manf. Q’s as previously suggested here on I heartpublix. As stated here I find they don’t really realize there is overage that way…at least so far. The cashiers do seem a little more skiddish which is a pita because means longer time checking out and a little embarassing because then the person behind is wondering what’s going on or they usually will call someone over to help them look over the coupons together. So I think they have been talked to about coupons.
I traded for some of these too so I hope I don’t run into any problems.
We have had good luck int he past with this coupon at Publix but yesterday tried one and they wouldn’t give us the overage. I don’t want the item I just want the overage, so I told them to give me back the coupon and I will go to the publix that doesn’t have a problem giving me the overage.
If it is an item I do want and they won’t give me the overage, I make them write on the coupon in front of me the price they are reducing it to so they don’t get the full amount from company.
I have the best store and managers ever!!! They allow the overage and will pay it out in cash!! I rarely do this b/c I just add a Publix gift card for the ammount of my overage and use it next time. So… friend and I ordered 70 of these coupons each yesterday for 5 cents each and I had my grocery manager order us the 140 boxes of gelatin today and they will be in on Friday. I can’t wait to get my $175.00 Publix gift card!!!!
my papers didnt have any of them. i guess each state prints different red plum coupons.
Where can we order coupons from like the Knox gelatin etc.?
BTW: Saw the boxes of Knox gelatin for $1.28 at Walmart. Does Walmart allow overage?
Benz- Walmart will adjust it down 🙁
Sandi Lee- try ebay, or just google coupon clipping services and you should come up with a bunch of options
Emily, what store do you shop at? If I were you I would give that manager a card to say thank you. What a wonderful store!
I was told at my store that they received an email from corporate stating that if a customer purchases the item(s) specified by a coupon they they must accept the coupon regardless of overage. I had an 8 dollar overage last week on the lightbulbs and they allowed it. Anyway…hope this helps. It’s worth asking about anyway
Thats what I was thinking LA Girl…Emily, where is the publix you shop at? I need to find one like that… and also, Heather where us the one you shop at…is it a publix? That would be great if they have to start doing that storewide!
There are two publix’s in my town. they know me WELL at the more inconvenient to get to publix (the other one is new and is staffed with stuffy and ugly folks!!)
the cashier who knows me very well at the other one told me “of course we allow overage on the coupons. We are going to get paid $4.00 for that coupon so why shouldn’t you get $4.00 off your groceries for using it?!?!?!”
FYI I plan to use the Gelatine to make MARSHMALLOWS!!!! I’m thinking about writing a post about this…anyone interested in reading it?
Carol: I am interested!
Chad, even if they write the amount on the coupon the likelihood of the clearinghouse seeing that insignificant print on there is slim to none. Most clearinghouses operate huge scanners/conveyor systems- dumping the q’s on a belt and scanning them. It goes by the barcode scanned. Which will equal $4 in this case.
Ok, GUYS, LISTEN UP…I finally got right down to it, and called corporate about the overage issue. Linda (cust. service rep) said “They are supposed to give full value of the coupon REGARDLESS of overage.” The stores are NOT supposed to change the value of a coupon! I would suggest that if you want to hear it for yourselves, to give Publix a call. I think this issue needs to be put to rest with the stores so the cashiers get off our backs when it comes to overage.
While we are on the subject, I am currently waiting for a call from the District Manager to ask about competitors Q’s. My stores have decided to only accept one q for each “identical” item, meaning that if I bought 2 toilet papers, and had 2 comp. Q’s, they would only accept one of them. I want to see if the stores are following the rules on this issue as well.
I’ll keep everyone posted!
I shop at Bass Rd in Macon Ga but I also shop at Tom Hill in Macon and they have the same policies. I do special things for them including writing to corporate on their behalf! They are seriously like my second family!!!
Carol I’m interested!! 🙂 I also bought a bunch off ebay!! Seriously, how can the people “selling” these coupons justify not using these gems??!!!
Thanks for calling Kelli h. At first I was horrified that you called bringing overage to their attention but then was soooo glad you got the response that you did. Thanks! If I have problems I’ll call too.
Used the Knox coupon with no troubles…thank goodness. 🙂
Question: When you use this coupon for the gelatine, is it scanning properly, or are they having to enter it in manually? Does anyone know?
Scans properly…doesn’t beep and they don’t have to enter manually. It’s heavenly….I used (5) yesterday..of course I searched out a young male college kid to ring me up. There is nothing wrong with the coupon but just wanted to avoid any probs if I could.
Hey, Kelli h!;)
I wish there would be something in writing that we could have to show them. I have 2 Publix stores close and one is ok with overage and the other is not. It’s just a hassle!
I’ve used these 2 times now with 30 Q. Both times they called supervisor then manager. I just wait patiently and they came back with no problem. Last time I got a $50 gift card like someone else suggested. I think I’m gonna have them special order them for me that way i can get it done in one stop and have the gift cards. Loving this Q. Oh and for anyone saying it shouldn’t be used this way. This is the 3rd time that I know about this $4 Q being printed in the last year. Obviously the manufacture has no problem with it.