My inbox is suddenly full from some of the recent discussion about coupon ethics.  So I thought I would create a post where you all can discuss and feel free to post your opinions. 
I will start by letting you know my stance on coupon usage and how I choose to post deals and such on this site: I don’t cheat –plain and simple.  It is too easy to score a deal honestly that I don’t have the need to misuse coupons!! While I am not a fan of being scrutinized by cashiers–I will gladly allow that scrutiny as I am confident the my coupons are valid!  It is an unfortunate consequence that the honest couponers must endure this scrutiny due to the fact that some choose to cheat.  No, it is not fair and often times it makes me very unhappy…but I know I can hold my head high once all is said and done!! 
I consider myself to be an ethical couponer.  I make sure I know the guidelines established by my store and follow those guidelines.  If I am ever unsure of a coupon or a policy I ask store management for their opinion.  When I create my grocery list I make sure the coupons I plan on using are accurate for what I plan on purchasing.  I make a list, sort my coupons and shop!  It is my responsibity to make sure that the coupons I use are valid and appropriate for my purchases.
Many of you send me great deals and I post the majority of those deals so that others may benefit.  Some deals I have to pass on as they may not fit the general Publix policy.  Since Publix does not have a written corporate policy AND to keep things as simple as possible I stick with generally accepted policy to ensure the majority of people will have success. 
I try very hard to ensure that I provide accurate information as I would never intentionally advocate improper coupon usage!  I am human and will make mistakes.  I appreciate the fact that there are so many of you wonderful readers who keep me on my toes and not only alert me to errors but also find additional match ups that benefit others.  I love the fact that you all are willing to help each other and thus this site seems more like a community working together than just a site to make a grocery list!
So–with all of that said…I want you all to feel free to discuss. I do ask that you keep it clean and be kind to each other as everyone is entitled to an opinion 😉