I have received many comments and questions from you all regarding the penny item changes.  So I thought that I would pass on the info that I have been told. Please understand that I cannot guarantee this information–if was given to me be a reliable source but we all know that Publix has a tendency to vary region to region and store to store–so please check with your store for specific information!!
It appears that the penny item will correlate with your ad start date.  So if your ad begins on Wednesday your penny item will be available Wednesday.  My ad begins Thursday so I will be able to pick up the penny item on Thursday. 
The penny item coupon will be in your newspaper on the day that your penny item promo occurs.  In my area I was told that the penny item will be in the large metro paper (Atlanta Journal & Constitution) as well as the local county papers. I am not sure if that will be the case everywhere but I would guess it might be likely. 
Please feel free to comment if you have received different information. The changes are supposed to go into effect this coming week…so I guess we will find out for sure very soon 🙂