taco chili mac
Alaina over at Fairhope Foodie sent me a recipe that I just had to share with you all.  It looks so delicious and I bet the majority of you will have everything you need in your pantry/fridge. 
She sent me a recipe for Taco Chili Mac that I can almost guarantee will be a hit here at my house.  My husband is a chili fan and my kids would eat macaroni everyday if I let them…so put it together and I have a meal that makes them all happy!  What is even better is that this is quick and easy.  I will not be slaving in the kitchen all night 🙂  I decided to replace my planned meal for tomorrow with this recipe so I will come back and update you all!!
Go HERE to visit Alaina over at Fairhope Foodie to check out the recipe…you might end up putting it on your menu too 😀
Thanks a bunch Alaina!