I am officially pooped!! We left the house at 8:15 to drop my oldest off at preschool and then my little one and I shopped til we dropped!! We hit Rite Aid, Walgreens, Publix, Target, the bank AND got a car wash–talk about productive!!  Then I picked up Jake headed home –now, lunch is done and the laundry and the dishwasher are going. The boys are cleaning as I have promised them that they can watch a video if they will clean up their toys.  It is now after 2 pm and I finally get to sit for just a moment before I go unload the groceries, switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer, fold the load in the dryer, clean the house and start dinner!! Phew…
Whoever says being a stay at home mom is easy needs to come live with me for a while 😉
While at Publix I ran across a new sweepstakes form!!  This is an easy one where all you have to do is call!  There are several prizes –grand prize: (1) A Ford Taurus SHO;  (20) First Prizes: 2 Tickets to A Nascar Race in Daytona; (280) Daily Prizes: $100 Publix gift card.
Good Luck Everyone!!