Coupon & Deal Roundup–lots of great stuff in my inbox again. So here ya go:

Go HERE to print a $.75/1 coupon for Shake ‘N Bake.  This is a high value we don’t see often!

I am sure you all have heard that the P&G Coupon Book MIR is back again this year!  All you have to do is purchase $50 worth of any P&G products between February 1 and April 15, 2010, print your form and mail it in.  If you want to see what coupons will be in th booklet, Kelli was so kind to send me THIS link which details the booklet contents (and gives you the MIR scoop)–thanks Kelli!

Amanda let me know that she found Diana’s Banana Babies Frozen Pop for half price at $2.24.  When you use the $1/1 from the home mailed version of Family Style Magazine you score each box for $1.24!! Apparently this product is being discontinued in some stores so you might want to check your store!

Sharelle let me know that she found the Starkist Tuna pouches for .99¢  Use the -$1/1 Starkist Tuna Pouch Product PRINT to score each package for FREE!

Angela found this Nivea booklet at her store.  It includes a $1/1 Nivea Face or Body Care or $1/2 Shave Gels and a $.50/1 Nivea Lip Care coupon–be on the lookout!

Missy let me know that the All You exclusive coupons HERE for the $1/1 Marie Callender Home Style Creations and the $1/1 Healthy Choice Fresh Mixers coupons have reset!  These go GREAT with the current BOGO sale!

Jessica emailed to let me know that THIS $1/2 Any Pillsbury Refrigerated Grands or Grands Jr coupon has reset