Jessica emailed me about a cool promo from Jennie-O.  They are offering a  mail in rebate for one of their products –up to $5!!
All you have to do is go HERE and sign in/create an account.  Once you are signed in you can go back to the home page and under coupons and offers you will be able to print your form!!  This offer is limited to the first 25,000 redemptions so you might want to keep that in mind!
There are a few coupons that will make this deal even better:
-$.55/1 Jennie-O Turkey Store So Easy Refrigerated Entrees, Any – 02-21-10 SS
-$1/2 Jennie-O Turkey Store Product, Any – 01-03-10 SS
-lots of peelies
I love Jennie-O products and will happily allow them to pay me back for my item!!
Thanks a bunch Jessica!!