I get a bunch of emails from people asking if I use my couponing “skills” to save money at places other than the grocery store…the answer: ABSOLUTELY!! 
I started couponing as a challenge.  As I was unloading my bags from a $250+ grocery trip I saw a report on the news about a gal who spent next to nothing for her groceries!  That was the last day I ever spent near that much money at the grocery store!!  I will admit that it took me a bit longer to learn how to translate super savings to other areas of my life. 
While at the mall I would look for sales and maybe even use a coupon if I had one.  Now I plan my mall trips the same way I plan my grocery trips–I have a plan and a budget!  I research and find as many coupons before I leave the house to ensure that I get the best deal.  Of course it is a bit different as there is no price list for clothing but I have found that I can estimate pretty darn good!!  I have also brought the stockpile principle in to play with my clothing purchases–I buy ahead!  You can get an incredible deals on off-season clothing. 
When most people shop they are looking for clothing to wear immediately.  Most people blow past the deeply clearance merchandise because those items are not what work for the upcoming season.  They don’t think about buying a jacket or a sweater when bathing suit season is in full swing!  Who buys flip flops in December??  I do– because I can get them for 90% savings!  Those Valentine’s day shirts that will be useless to most tomorrow will be a a great buy for me as I will stick them in the drawer and pull them out in a year!! 
Buying ahead for the boys is pretty easy –they are growing at a pretty consistent rate.  So I can usually estimate what they will need the following year.  I am also lucky as my boys are very close in age and can almost wear the same things!  So if I make an error in judgement usually one of the two will be able to wear it 🙂  If I totally goof and find that I have an item that will not fit either boy I just put it in my donation box and have something that will go to someone who needs it!! 
Couponing has helped me really understand the value of things.  A couple of years ago I might have cringed a bit thinking that I was putting the boys in “last years” clothes.  Now I cringe at the fact that I placed that much value on what others would think!!  I am a mother, wife,  team mom, class mom, chef, taxi, housekeeper, blogger, (and a million more things) living in metro Atlanta.  There is no need for me or my family to wear the latest clothing hot off the Paris runway!!  It is not appropriate for our lifestyle 🙂  Because I save so much much by making smart purchases– if there is something I see that I just love, I am able to buy it without a bunch of guilt!!
I am going to be shopping this week as it is about time for me to shop a bit as I haven’t done much since Christmas.  Here is how I plan on saving a little money:
Gap is rumored to be putting the entire store at 40% off on Monday only (45% if you have a Gap Card)  If this is true I will be there to score some great clearance deals.  Their clothes are very well made and bring a nice return when I put them in consignment sales
A Children's Place The Children’s Place has a 15% coupon (click pic for coupon).  They also have a huge sale and always have tons of clearance stuff!
JCPenney.  I will first shop through Ebates and get $10 worth of merchandise shipped to store.  I will use the code ten4you to save $10 off that $10 purchase meaning I will pay about $5 for my items.  When I got to the mall I will pick up my online order then I will use THIS $10 off $25 to score a deal on anything I find in the store!!
I will head to Bath & Body Works and use these coupons if I see something I really want!  Get a FREE Anti-Bacterial Soap (up to a $5 value) with any purchase of $10 or more  & Get a FREE signature body care item item (up to a $12 value) with any purchase of $10 or more  & Get a FREE Signature Collection Travel Size Item with ANY purchase (up to a $5 value)!
That is just the beginning.  I have tons of other coupons as well.  I even have coupons so that I can get the boys a nearly FREE lunch at Chick-Fil-A.  It will take me about an hour to gather all of my coupons and make sure that I have tracked down all the possible deals so I will have everything I need with me so that if I see a deal I can snag it!!  I’d love to hear any tips that you all may have on how you save money at places other than the grocery store!!
I do all the other deals and sales over on I Heart Saving Money.  I know a lot of you would like me to do all the deals on one site…but I think it is easier to keep it separate!  After all the Publix deals would be lost since my other site is usually slam full of many deals every day.  There is a quick link on the top right of both sites where you can swap between the sites very easily!!