My goal this week was to get organized. I have been letting a few things slip here and there and it was starting to catch up with me…so it is time for a change!! I totally cleaned my desk–I had piles of coupons…some that expired last year! I sorted all the loose coupons and filed my inserts into the filing cabinet! I don’t think my desk has ever been this clean!
As you can imagine I spend a fair amount of time on the computer but I am not always on the same computer! Some of the things I post to my sites are done in between me pushing the boys on the swing or while waiting for macaroni to boil 😀 I love my laptop but prefer my desktop since the screen is huge and it is so much easier to have lots of window open!! I have had issues lately finding my “stuff”!!  I bookmark and save tons of information so that I can go back and reference it later. It can be something for the blogs or even a recipe that I want to try…well if I save it on my desktop I can’t then access it on my laptop. So if I am out and about I have to take the time to go back and search. Just the other day I was cooking a recipe that I found online and THOUGHT I had saved the recipe to my laptop. It was a fairly simple recipe so I started cooking when I realized I needed to know a measurement –so I open my laptop only to find that I had apparently bookmarked the recipe on my desktop–UGHGH!!
So a buddy of mine told me to try Springpad. So far I am loving it! I have not yet joined the cool kids and still have a Blackberry rather than an iPhone, but apparently Springpad works on iPhones too! I wanted a simple way to keep my info in one place without having to pay for it 😀 So far so good!!  I thought I’d pass it on as so many of you have asked about organization methods AND they have some fabulous recipes in the public section (Friends Stuff).
Lots of you have asked about how I organize my coupons. I did a post a while back about my methods but I have tweaked it a bit so I hope to have it finished in the near future–for now tell me what you guys do as far as coupon organization!
OK–so my poll didn’t work…I will see if I can find a different one that will 😉