I haven’t checked Coupons.com in a few days and just noticed a few that might come in handy:
There are a few that you might want to go HERE and print:
-$1/1 GE Reveal CFL–goes great with the upcoming sale: GE Energy Smart Bulb, 10, 13, 20 or 26 Watt or Reveal Spiral, 13, 20 or 26 Watt, 1 ct pkg, 40% Off
-$.40/1 Sargento Cheese Snacks–we love these!!
-$1/2 Nestle Nest Eggs
-$1/2 Lifesaver Jellybeans– I know a couple of you emailed that you were unable to get it from RedPlum
-$1/1 Cottonelle (then go HERE and print a $2/1 CVS Cottonelle coupon–if your store accepts CVS as a competitor–that is $3 off a package!)