Amanda over at A Few Short Cuts has your weekly meal deal!!  This is one that I am pretty sure most of you can make from items in your stockpile–Baked Chicken Pasta Parmesan
This is a meal that would be perfect for those nights when you are short on time but still want to serve a hot meal.   I am going to have to pull this one out one night when I am not in the mood to spend a lot of time in the kitchen!  Since I live so far out in the boonies there are no pizza delivery options for me and since the closest “fast food” is 18-20 minutes away–that isn’t a great option either.  BUT–with recipes like this one I can make a quick and easy dinner and keep more money in my pocket!!
If you had to go out and purchase all the ingredients you would still be in great shape as you can make this one less than $2 per person! I am fairly confident that most of you could put this one together tonight with what you have in your pantry/refrigerator!!
Great job Amanda!