I think I am officially finished shopping for the week so I thought I would post the weekly totals a bit earlier than usual. 
I had my day all planned…I was going to drop off my car to get an oil change and get my lift gate fixed.  I have been working like crazy to get a bunch of things done here at home as I knew we would not be back until late this evening after t-ball practice.  I had scheduled my car maintenance online and it wasn’t until my husband called to confirm the that he would meet us that I thought that the dealership had not called to confirm my appointment??!  So…back online I go to find the telephone number!  Ummm–yeah I scheduled the appointment at a dealership in Louisiana 🙂 Ooops!!  So….my afternoon has opened up a bit!! 
I had a great shopping week.!  Although my list seems short I really brought home a ton of things to add to my pantry (even a bunch of free Snickers that I will stick in the freezer so they don’t tempt me as much 😉 )  This week I learned (once again) why I love Publix so very much!!  I had a bunch of Fresh Cod coupons that I wanted to use  and since I had to go to Kroger to get all my free Kraft cheese I chose to get it there as it was on sale!!  So… I asked the seafood guy at Kroger if it would be possible to have each of the four large fish individually packaged & priced so that I ended up with eight packaged fillets.  Well based on his attitude I knew that he was not thrilled by my request. There were no other customers waiting…when I walked up he was cutting up with another employee!!   Seriously– all he had to do was cut four big fish down the middle, weigh them, wrap them and place a sticker on the package.  I actually starting giggling a little at the display he put on –he stomped around and gave dramatic sighs as he cut the fish and slung it down.  I thought I was going to crack up so I had to walk away!  I went back to get the fish and he hands me five packages of fish and says–“That’s the best I can do!”  OK–so I know I was asking him to go a little above and beyond the call of duty but seriously… was my request that difficult??  One package had one tiny piece of fish, the next one had five big pieces of fish, the next had two…  Really???  The best he could do??? I would have preferred him just be honest and tell me that he didn’t want to cut the fish for me!! I just don’t understand why it was neccessary to create s0 much drama over a request that should have taken less than 3 minutes of his time??  Just another reminder why I HEART Publix 😀 
This week I managed to get around $154 worth of groceries for $32.04. That means I saved 80% this week!!  I have plenty of cabbage for the next couple of weeks and added to my cheese stockpile so I should be set for the next few months!  Here is what I purchased for $32.04:


Item quantity price   Q amt TOTAL Q details
fruit chillers 4 1.66 6.64 4 2.64 four $1/1 IP
cabbage 1 1.45 1.45 3 -1.55 three $1 off produce
bananas 1 1.74 1.74   1.74  
barilla lasagna 2 0.7 1.4 2 -0.6 2 $1/1 Winetags
arnold sand thins 1 1.5 1.5 1 0.5 $1/1 home mailer
honey maid grahams 1 2 2 1 1 $1/1 insert
land o lakes spread 2 0.95 1.9 2 -0.1 two $.50/1 insert
8 o clock coffee 2 2.5 5 1.5 3.5 $1.50/2 insert
milk 1 2.28 2.28   2.28  
giarussa gnocchi 2 2.49 4.98 3.49 1.49 BOGO + $1/1 WT
tax 1 0.58 0.58   0.58  
kraft cheese 14 0.99 13.86 14 -0.14 seven $2/2 blinkies
Oscar Mayer hot dogs 2 1.99 3.98 2 1.98 OYNO cat
gorton’s popcorn shrimp  2 3.5 7 2 5 two $.50/1 IP
snickers 16 0.5 8 8 0 eight .50/2
cod (5 pkgs) 1 15.93 15.93 5 10.93 five $1/1 IP
grapes 1 1.22 1.22   1.22  
apples 1 0.5 0.5   0.5  
tax 1 1.07 1.07   1.07  

Yesterday when I logged in to Facebook to update the I Heart Publix page I just happened to notice that a friend from college had posted what a great trip she had at Publix in her status…so I commented that she should check out my site.  What a small world–Shawna had been visiting the site for months and just never made the connection that we knew each other!!   So–Shawna and all you other great shoppers leave a comment or link up to your weekly totals!