Ok so I am ready for another birthday giveaway!!  I am very excited about this one…

Since you have to have snacks and goodies at a birthday party you will need to look your best…so to avoid staining you pretty party dress you will need a Flirty Apron!! 

Flirty Aprons have the most beautiful aprons ever!! I have one that I just love!! Actually, I love mine so much that I gave one to my best friend for Christmas!  These are not only functional but they are beautiful!!  If you guys are like me –most days I am doing good if my clothes match and aren’t covered in peanut butter!!  On those days I can put on my apron and feel pretty again 🙂

I am so excited as one of you all will get your choice of a Scalloped Flirty Apron!!

Here is how you enter:

  • Leave a comment
  • Tweet about this giveaway- include me (@iheartpublix) in the twitter so I can see it.
  • Grab my button (located on right sidebar) Make sure to leave the link to your site in your comment.
  • Blog about this giveaway (leave your blog link in the comment)
  • Subscribe to the site by EMAIL or RSS (if you already subscribe just say–current subscriber in the comment) 
  • I will choose a winner on Friday 4/16/10 around 11pm via Random.org! Good luck everyone!!  With all the giveaways running this week you must leave your comments on the original post on the website!  Facebook comments & email entries will not be accepted –makes it easier for me to track everyone.

    Disclaimer–The folks at Flirty Aprons is providing the apron for my winner–I received no compensation for this post. All comments and opinions are my own!