I guess it is the time of year where the weeks just seem to fly by!!!  I feel like I just typed up my weekly totals from last week–phew… where did the week go?  I did not do very much shopping this week–I went to Publix and Walgreens and that was it!  I did manage to use all of my budgeted money AND probably will for at least a few more weeks!  Somehow I allowed myself to get down to one pack of diapers–what was I thinking??!!!  I guess part of me is wishing that my 2 year old would start showing signs of toilet training readiness.  I am SOOOO ready to be done buying diapers!  Maybe soon– but not quite yet…so I have to work on finding (and actually getting) the diaper deals!

This week I spent $44.02 for over $220 worth of products.  That means I saved 81% this week!!  A fabulous coupon buddy of mine was able to order some Bayer monitors from Walgreens and use my coupons to score me $70 worth of register rewards!  I had to come up with a way to score Diet Coke for my husband and diapers for Jeb.  If it weren’t for her I would be way over budget this week…so thanks to my fab buddy (you rock C !!) 

I have had several of you guys ask me how on earth I manage to cook dinners from what I purchase.  I used to do my meal plan Monday but after forgetting so many weeks I just stopped.  I am going to try to add it back in as it really did help me plan my week.  So look for it to start back up on Monday.  I know my grocery list seems crazy but you have to remember I have a huge stockpile so I am rarely cooking what I buy in the current week.  Here is a peek of what I made this week:

Cornmeal Chicken with corn salsa, lima beans, mac & cheese
Meatloaf, potatoes, green beans with almonds
Swiss Chicken with Dressing, Broccoli
Spaghetti & Turkey Meatballs
Pork Loin, Squash Casserole, Steamed Cabbage

See, I really make normal meals 🙂  The boys and I generally do left overs or sandwiches for lunch each day so I try to make dinners a little bit bigger if possible. You guys will have to help me get back in the groove of Meal Plan Monday–shoot me an email if I forget!!

So back to the weekly totals…here is what I purchased for $44.02:

Item quantity price   Q amt TOTAL Q details
toaster strudel 2 1.1 2.2 2 0.2 two $1/1 IP
fruit chillers 4 1.66 6.64 4 2.64 four $1/1 IP
all 4 2.99 11.96 8 3.96 four $2/1 insert
cascadian fruit 3 1.99 5.97 5 0.97 three $1/1 IP + $2/3 PQ
GG valley steamers 3 1.2 3.6 3 0.6 three $.50/1 I{
edwards pie 4 1.25 5 4 1 four $1/1 IP
Nature valley 3 2.75 8.25 6 2.25 three $2/1 peelie
milk 1 2.28 2.28   2.28  
bread 1 1.99 1.99   1.99  
pullups 1 8.99 8.99 6 2.99  
ham 1 1.5 1.5 2 -0.5 $2/1 wyb Pep Farm Peelie
swiss 1 2.34 2.34 2 0.34 $2/1 wyb Pep Farm Peelie
tgif appetizer 2 2.5 5 3 2 two $1.50/1
bakery 1 1.68 1.68 1 0.68 $1/1 PQ calendar Q
bananas 1 1.26 1.26   1.26  
schick razor 2 0.99 1.98 4 -2.02 two $2/1 insert
dan-o-nino 1 1.66 1.66 1 0.66  
apples 1 3.49 3.49   3.49  
pep farm flats 2 1.49 2.98 3.2 -0.22 two $.60/1 insert + two $2/1 PQ
glad straw 1 0.69 0.69   0.69  
coke  1 5.99 5.99 1 4.99 $1/1 peelie
yeast 1 1.59 1.59   1.59  
tax 1 3.46 3.46   3.46  
spinach 1 2.29 2.29   2.29  
coca-cola 10 4.69 46.9   46.9  
diapers 3 8.99 26.97   26.97  
register rewards 1   0 70 -70 seven $10 RRs
tax 1 2.56 2.56   2.56  
      0   44.02  

 Publix – Blue; Walgreens – Black

How did you all do this week? Leave a comment or link to your weekly totals.