You guys know I am a HUGE advocate for budgeting and saving money!!  I have taken the time to breakdown all our spending into categories and designate a certain amount of money every month to be spent in that specific area.  It is amazing how quickly a dollar here and there can add up and before you know it you have spent massive money and have nothing to show for it! 
I just found out about a fabulous site where you’ll find online money management and budgeting software for FREE–!!  I am a graph person…I love to be able to visually see where my money is going.  I also want to be able to track my variations each month to see if there is a trend that might mean I need to increase or decrease my budgeted amount in a certain category. 
Check out –If you are just starting to budget you will love it. If you are an old pro there are a ton of tools for money management.  I am one of those geeks who love to see spreadsheets and online calculators…my savings account thanks me for it 😀
Speaking of spreadsheets…I will have the new shopping spreadsheet up after dinner tonight…and hey it is FREE too 😀