You guys are so great about sending in deals–that is probably one of my favorite things about running this site.  I just love that you guys participate 🙂  Well I have found that so many of the deals get lost…once a deal is off the front page it can be time consuming to go back to find it.  So I figure if I don’t like this –I am betting that some of you are having issues as well. 
In an attempt to organize all the ongoing deals I have decided to change the Dollar Deals page to the Ongoing Deals page.  The format will be the same but the page will now include all the best current deals that I have found or that have been reported.  Whenever a new deal is posted on the front page of the site –I will also put it on the ongoing deals page with an indication of the deal expiration.  Once a week the deals will be cleaned out to keep it as tidy as possible. 
Now, I need some feedback from you guys.  I am planning on putting some of the best ongoing deals in the Super Deals post that I publish each Tuesday with a link reminding you guys to check the Ongoing Deals section for any other great deals.  Would you guys like to see the Super Deals INCLUDED in the Ongoing Deals section or do you want me to keep those separate??  Since Publix ads overlap on Wednesday I was not sure if this would confuse you guys. 
I’d love to hear your thoughts!