Can you believe it is Friday again…this week flew by!  I have given up hope that things will slow down!  You know I think I would be bored if I wasn’t in constant motion 🙂 Preschool is coming to an end this month as is T-ball.  Of course I have already scehduled swim lessons and both boys still have soccer…so more fun to come!! 
In all of my running around this week, I managed to get to Publix once.  I went a little over my weekly budget of $40 but I just couldn’t pass up the boneless skinless chicken AND I was really craving guacamole!!  This week I spent $53.52 for a little over $200 worth of products!  That means I saved about 75% this week!  Now, that may not seem like a big deal — but, I scored over 12 pounds of meat which will become two weeks worth of meals…not too shabby!!
I know some will ask about my free product coupons…you will find out more about the Freschetta soon as I have a little surprise that I will most likely post on Monday and the  Thomas’ products were part of a campaign from one the programs that I participate in called SheSpeaks.  I am given the opportunity to try products and give my feedback.  I loved this one as those Thomas Bagel Thins were FABULOUS!!  I got the “everything” bagel thins and let me just tell you there is only one or two left in the bag!!  I really wish they would include these in the BOGO sale next time!! The Sunchips coupon was a Facebook freebie.  Gotta love those freebies 😀
So here is what I scored for $53.53 this week:

Item quantity price   Q amt TOTAL Q details
mission tortillas 2 1.35 2.7 1.5 1.2 two $.75/1 IP
kellogg’s fruit snacks 2 1.48 2.96 2 0.96 two $1/1 IP
capri sun juice box 1 2 2 1 1 $1 off wyb Kelloggs fruitsnack
oscar mayer deli meat 2 3.69 7.38 6 1.38 two $2/1 MQ + 2 $1/1 PQ
coleslaw 1 1.49 1.49 1 0.49 $1 off slaw wyb PQ
wishbone dressing 1 2.65 2.65 1 1.65 $1/1 IP
publix dressing 1 2 2 2 0 buy theirs get ours
freschetta 2 6.99 13.98 13.98 0 free product Q’s
nivea 6 3.89 23.34 24 -0.66 six $4/1 Insert
thomas english 1 2.99 2.99 4 -1.01 free prod Q
thomas bagel thin 1 2.99 2.99 3.5 -0.51 free prod Q
arnold sand thin 1 2.99 2.99 4 -1.01 free prod Q
nabisco cookies 6 1 6 3 3 B4G1 tearpad  + two $1/2 
milk 1 2.28 2.28 1.5 0.78 $1.50 off milk & cookies
oreos 1 2.99 2.99 2.99 0 free wyb milk  & cookie
yoCrunch 8 0.38 3.04 1 2.04 $1/8 insert
deans dips 2 1 2 1 1 $1/2 IP
bread 1 1.99 1.99 0.55 1.44 .55 IP
lunchables 2 1 2 2 0 two $1/1
sunchips 1 3.79 3.79 3.79 0 free prod Q
chicken – 8 pks 1 22.11 22.11 9 13.11 eight $1 off meat PQ + $1/1 WT
avocado 2 1 2   2  
grapes 1 1.59 1.59   1.59  
lettuce 1 1.59 1.59   1.59  
cilantro 1 0.69 0.69   0.69  
shrooms 1 1.5 1.5   1.5  
spinach 1 3.99 3.99   3.99 I thought I got the sale pkg–I was wrong!!
cabbage 1 1.18 1.18   1.18  
apples 1 3.49 3.49   3.49  
bell pepper 1 0.83 0.83   0.83  
tomato 1 1 1   1  
om hot dog 1 1.5 1.5   1.5  
lime 1 0.67 0.67   0.67  
zucchini 1 0.86 0.86   0.86  
steak 1 3.03 3.03   3.03  
tax 1 4.74 4.74   4.74  
TOTAL     0   53.52  

How did you guys do this week?? Leave a comment or link to your weekly totals.