For any of you all who have been visiting me for a while…you know that many things here happen via trial and error 😀  I am definitely not a computer pro…actually I think I am whatever the exact opposite might be!!
Well in an effort to make things better I created another issue!!  Last week I moved over to Feedblitz for my email newsletters.  Hopefully that has corrected the issue for those who were not getting the digest every night!!  So far all of my test subject have not had any issues.  If you have not received an issue just sign up HERE (or click the envelope on the top right sidebar)
So I got the email issue corrected BUT in changing services I modified my RSS feed address!!  I found out the hard way that many of you used that RSS feed to get your daily updates.  Well the only way to get the feed issue corrected is for you to re-subscribe with the new feed address. It is super simple to do—you can subscribe HERE (or click the RSS icon on the top right sidebar)
Lots of you emailed to let me know that you missed Friday’s word scramble letters because your feed never updated…so– I think we should have a do over 🙂 I have decided to do another giveaway that I hope will make everyone happy!!  I am going to give away two $50 Publix gift cards!!  I will choose one winner via from the comments and the second winner will be chosen from the correct guesses to the new word scramble!!
Winner #1
To enter subscribe to the email newsletter and/or RSS feed.  Leave a comment letting me know that you subscribe or are a current subscriber.  I will choose a winner on 6/21 around 11 pm.
Winner #2
Once a day through Friday I am going to post a letter or letters.  Once you have all of the letters you will need to unscramble them and come up with the word I am looking for.  Once you have the word you MUST email it to me at (PLEASE–do NOT leave the word on this post or on the Facebook site–or you will give it away and decrease the chances of you winning)!!  You must have your email sent by Sunday 6/20 at 11pm to be included in the drawing!!
There is a catch…I am going to put up the letter(s)  at random times each day. The letter(s) may stay up for a couple of days, a couple of hours or even a couple of minutes   Since this is a word scramble you might be ok if you miss one or two but you will need the majority to figure out the puzzle! 
Please don’t repost the letters in the comments or on my Facebook page–remember if you give people clues you will decrease YOUR odds of winning!  While I don’t typically delete comments…I am going to have a few friends help me keep an eye on them and if I see hints posted I will delete them!!
On Monday 6/21 –I will choose a random winner from those who have submitted the correct answer!!  So have fun and good luck!!!