My buddy Crystal stepped up and has another great coupon giveaway for you guys.  Crystal is crazy like me and runs two different sites.  You guys who read my other blog I Heart Saving Money know that Crystal the Coupon Momma gives us a fabulous Rite Aid diaper deal each week!  Well, Crystal also has a fabulous coupon clipping site called Coupon Beat

If you need coupons Crystal is your gal! She has great pricing and ships super quick!!  I have told you guys before that this is how I get the majority of coupons that I need as I would rather use my money on what I KNOW I will use rather than buy a ton of inserts that only have 2 or 3 coupons I need!!
Crystal has kindly offered up TEN $2/1 Pampers wipes coupons to one winner!
I am very excited about this coupon as we can never have too many wipes here at my house!! So to enter to win here is what you need to do:

  1. Leave a comment
  2. Head over and grab The Coupon Beat Button

You can enter up to two times.  Please leave a comment per method of entry.  You must comment on THIS post. Emailed comments or those left on Facebook will not be accepted!  I will choose a winner on Friday 6/11 around 11pm!