I have had so much fun today with the giveaways!!  Here is another one for you guys and it is another fun one…
I print a BUNCH of coupons each week–my printer gets quite  a workout!!  I thought it would be fun to have you guys guess how many coupons I print in a week.  The person who correctly guesses the number of coupons will win a printer!!  If no one guesses exactly I will choose the person that comes closest!  If there are multiple correct guesses I will use Random.org to choose a winner from the good guessers 😀
So leave a comment and let me know how many coupons you think I will print starting today through Monday 6/14 at 11pm.  You can make your one guess as long as the comments are open.  I will end the giveaway at some point on Tuesday 6/15.   Good luck everyone!!