Here is another quick giveaway for my Atlanta folks: 

My friends over at The Budget Author are hosting a whole series of coupon workshops this summer for all you folks in Metro Atlanta!  We all know that just a few minutes of planning can mean massive savings each week.  The Coupon Workshop will help you learn the ins and outs of couponing and provide the networking options at the same time.  This is a great opportunity and what is great is that you will get a fabulous meal and they are even providing childcare!!
There are two more events this summer so you can choose the one that suits your schedule. Just click on the date you would like to attend to snag your spot!  The fee covers the workshop, as well as dinner, childcare and all the networking–Awesome! Any link will give you all the specifics and details you need!!
Coupon Workshop – Networking Event – July 15
Coupon Workshop – Networking Event – August 25

Two of my readers will get to attend the July 15 workshop for FREE!!  
Here is how to enter:

  1. “Like” The Budget Author on their Facebook page  (while you are there you might as well “like” I Heart Publix too :- ) )
  2. Leave a comment on The Budget Author Facebook page briefly describing either 1) your best coupon success story or 2) best money saving tip

I will choose a random winner on Wednesday 7/14  around noon. Good luck everyone!