This week we are going to hear from Stephanie, a mother of two that currently works full time while her husband stays home with the kids. Stephanie is going to share with us her experience of building a stockpile over the last year – it’s a story that I think many of us will relate to!

Last year we found out my husband was losing his job which would cut our income in half. I knew we needed a way to save money, since we certainly didn’t lose our bills along with my husband’s paycheck.  A few friends told me about how to get things cheaply from the drug stores, but what they were saying didn’t really sink in. I subscribed to our Sunday paper to get the coupon inserts, cutting out each coupon I thought I would need – of course, I’ve since come to find out this was not only a waste of time, but actually cost me in lost money & products in the months following. However, something finally clicked for me when I was referred to the weekly Publix deals at I Heart Publix. Soon Tuesday became my favorite day of the week  – it was ‘Super Deals from Michelle’ day!
I started out only saving a little, but I got it little by little, and I will never forget my first real coupon experience.  I went to Publix on a Saturday and filled my cart with 5 Dr. Pepper (my husband’s poison), 20 boxes of Ziploc bags, 16 boxes of Hefty produce bags, produce, a Publix sub, 20 bottles of A1, 16 bottles of BBQ sauce, and a few smaller things that I can’t recall.  The grocery manager was my cashier that day, and I remember being excited as I handed over my STACK of coupons; my total before coupons was $245, and when he was all done scanning coupons, I paid just $13.17 oop.  The older couple behind me said, “That’s it?!??!?”  and the manager just couldn’t believe my oop.  I walked out of Publix smiling and couldn’t stop laughing at my success!  I have officially earned the title of “Coupon Queen” at my Publix now, and that same manager always remembers me and says “Hi.”
Since that first success, I have been stockpiling many things for my family.  Recently, I have been following the drug store sales, too, in order to roll RR (Walgreens), ECB (CVS) and GC (Target) and to build my stockpile of other things that I can’t find or get at Publix for super cheap (or FREE!).   I have found it so helpful to know that when we run out of things, I can go to my stockpile and get whatever we need – with variety.  My husband always comments about the amount of feminine products I purchase 🙂 – but hey, they are essential, and sometimes that’s where the overage occurs!!
Here’s some pictures of my current stockpile:

Overview of my garage stockpile. The most I paid for anything in this picture was for the containers themselves!

Top shelf: razors
Bottom shelf: body wash

Top shelf: feminine products (currently have 3 of these), deodorant and oral care (toothpaste, toothbrushes & floss)
Bottom shelf: shampoo/conditioner and shaving cream

Laundry detergent: you can only see the front rows in this picture, but there is even MORE behind these bottles!

40 Bounty paper towels: FREE
Paper from Staples: $2.49
Coupons = priceless!

I’m not sure how much I have saved as I’m not that good at keeping track, but I do know that my family has all the essentials and we have been able to pay for other things with the grocery money I have saved over the past year.  More recently, a few friends and I have been able to get together and make care packages for some people in need.  It’s a great feeling to know that we can help out others in need with our huge stockpile of non-food items (thanks to the super deals we all get by using coupons!).
If you’re just starting out like I was a year ago, know that you too can have a great stockpile of food and non-food items. Of course, like Michelle said a few weeks ago, your stockpile won’t look like hers or mine, but in time you will have enough for your family.  It’s a process and takes dedication, but at the end of each week, just think of it like this: “this week I saved $_____ and I have a healthy supply of _____.”  Thanks Michelle for all your hard work and what you have shown me to be possible.  I no longer pay full price for items!

Thanks so much, Stephanie! Remember I am always looking for more of you to jump in the spotlight!! If you would like to share something I’d love for you to email me at You can write about anything that you would like to share…stockpiling, budgeting, coupon highs and lows, your best shop–anything! We all love to read others experiences so c’mon and share yours!