I thought I might try out a new feature to go with my new site design: a Reader Spotlight. Every Thursday, I’ll have various readers do a guest post about something (anything!) related to couponing. I know I love to read about how other people coupon, stockpile, & save – so I thought why not create a place where individual readers can share their ideas and tips? If you’d like to be featured on my Reader Spotlight, please see my note at the end of this post. 🙂


Hi all, Christy from Haphazardly Hobbying here. When Michelle asked me if I’d write the first of her “Reader Spotlight” posts I was thrilled. I think her idea is a really good one; it seems like every week she and I get at least one or two new couponers writing in to Ask I Heart Publix about how to save more money, how to best prepare for their shopping trips, how to organize all their coupons, how to find room for a stockpile….the list goes on and on. We do our best to answer those questions with our own experiences, but as soon as our post goes up on Wednesdays, I immediately start trolling the comments because I can’t wait to hear everyone else’s take on that week’s questions. I’m so excited because I think this feature will help us all get to know each other better and I can’t wait to hear about all of your various couponing tips and tricks!! 🙂
To start us off, I’m going to write today about my current couponing process. It’s one that has changed many times since I started couponing last September – like many of you, I keep trying new things until I hit upon something that really works for me. I remember when I first started out, I would clip and file my two paper’s worth of inserts in one of those tiny little coupon organizers you can find at the dollar stores, and now I couldn’t even fit 1/10th of my coupons in one of those things! Because I’ve found that having more coupons means that I can get the best savings when a great deal comes along, I now have TONS of coupons and I’ve had to come up with a system that helps me keep them all (mostly) organized.
I live in Florida, the land of true Publix BOGO, so I find that I always need to have an even number of coupons on hand. Each week, I purchase four Sunday papers at either Walgreens or CVS – it all depends on which store has the best freebie/money-making deals , because I try never to pay ‘real’ money for my coupon inserts, but use RRs or ECBs instead. (If I find out from the Sunday Coupon Preview that there aren’t many coupons I want, or that there aren’t any inserts at all, I adjust the number of papers I buy.)
I don’t clip insert coupons until I need them, and in order to make it easier for myself when I DO need them (or harder for myself now? I can’t tell 🙂 ), I separate all the pages of each insert, get rid of the ‘junk’ pages, staple all the like pages together, and then number the pages so that I can keep everything in order.

Two weeks worth of inserts: stapled, numbered, and ready to be filed.

I file all the pages for each week in a big accordian file that I got for around $12 at Walmart. I also use this to file my Publix receipts and any coupon booklets that I find at my store.

Though it looks pretty small, this things holds a LOT.

This way, when I need four Newman’s coupons in a couple months, I can pull out that week’s inserts, flip through the pages (which are much more manageable when they’re all stapled together), find the coupon I’m looking for, and clip all of them at once:

Of course, this process is just for booklets and insert coupons. I still have to sort and file IPs, traded coupons, and tearpads/peelies/MIRs/etc that I find in the stores. While coupons are waiting to be sorted, they go in an old wooden cd organizer-turned-catchall. In the interest of being completely real, I’ll share a picture of what it usually looks like:

Yup, it’s a mess! 🙂

When I sort my coupons, I first divide them up using the basic categories that Publix uses in their flyers (Deli, Bakery, Meats, Dairy/Refrigerated, Regular Grocery, Frozen, Household, Heathy & Beauty, Pet, and Produce) and then break those down into smaller categories so that it’s easier to find exactly what I want when I go looking.

I use a binder and store coupons in clear plastic binder sheets that I got at Office Depot. They were originally intended to hold CDs or DVDs, I think, but I liked them because the pockets were a decent size and they have a flap closure that keeps the coupons more secure.

Coupon binder/tote.

I made the tote cover for my coupon binder myself – you can check out the pattern HERE – because I really wanted to carry at least some of my coupons with me (you never know when you’re going to find a great clearance deal!), and the tote straps make it SO much easier when I’m trying to get in and out of the store quickly. I keep a large zippered pencil pouch in the binder; if I find tearpads, MIRs, hangtags, or blinkies while I’m shopping, I can just pop those coupons in the pouch and I don’t have to worry about losing them before I even get out of the store!

Coupon pocket for in-store finds.

So, there you have it – that’s the way I (try to) keep my ever-growing number of coupons under control. What do you think? Do you have any ideas that might make my process even easier? You know I’m looking forward to your comments!! I also can’t wait to read all about all of YOU in the coming weeks!


Thanks for being our guinea pig, Christy! I hope you all like this new feature!! In order to keep it going, though, you all are going to have to volunteer to tell us all about something YOU do when you are couponing. It doesn’t just have to be about how you organize things – I’m looking for anything you want to share! You can tell us about a particularly good or bad situation you’ve dealt with as a couponer, about how you got into couponing or how couponing has impacted the rest of your life, about your super stockpile, you can make a list of things every new couponer should know…just about anything, really! If you think it’s interesting and it has to do with couponing, write it up (try to keep it to about 750 – 1250 words) and send it to me at contactiheartpublix@gmail.com!