I think you guys will get a kick out of my purchases this week 🙂  I really did not need anything this week and thought that I was going to skip shopping entirely. My parents called and wanted to come over for my birthday so I decided to do steak on the grill.  It was easy and much less expensive than if we went to a steakhouse…plus, who could ask for a better birthday meal?!  Since I was in the mood to splurge I also had to grab some Publix cupcakes with cream cheese frosting!  Seriously–they are the best EVER!!  Yes, I paid over $10 for twelve cupcakes! I did score a great deal as I was able to get three really big ribeye steaks reduced by $4 per pound!  Apparently the steaks had to be sold by the following day so they packaged them together and drastically reduced the price–SCORE!!  I had no idea they did that but you better believe I will now pay better attention!!
So this week I spent $61.49 for $84.84 worth of groceries.  That means I saved 26% this week –tee hee!!  I think I might go have a cupcake to celebrate–hahahaha!! All joking aside –I am actually very proud of my spending as there is no way I could have purchased 7 steak dinners for under $62. I’d say that I had a great week!
Here is what I bought for $61.49:

Product quantity price   coupon   coupon details
lactaid milk 2 2.19 4.38 4 0.38 two $2/1 blinkies
potatoes 1 2.99 2.99   2.99  
bananas 1 1.71 1.71   1.71  
apples bag 1 3.49 3.49   3.49  
onions 1 3.49 3.49   3.49  
salad 1 2 2   2  
cupcakes 2 5.29 10.58   10.58  
ribeye  steak (3) 1 17.34 17.34   17.34  
t-bone steak (4) 1 18.11 18.11   18.11  
heinz 57 1 5.49 5.49   5.49  
tax 1 1.91 1.91   1.91  
      0 6 -6 two $3/$30
TOTAL         61.49  

How did you guys do this week? Leave a comment or link to your weekly totals.