Jodie emailed to let me know that she found the following coupon in her Albertson’s ad–might make for a good deal if your store allows you to stack the coupons!
-$2.50 off meat wyb 5 Knorr rice or noodle sides (Manufacturer’s coupon, exp 8/21)
-$0.55/2 Knorr PUBLIX Coupon Publix Back to School Booklet (exp 8/22/2010)

tealdragon113 over on the I Heart Publix Forum shared a great deal!
Bagel Bites, $1.97
-$2/2 Bagel Bites FL Toss 4 Cash (exp 9/30/2010)
-$1/1 Bagel Bites
-$1/1 Bagel Bites 6/13/2010 SS Insert (exp 12/31/2010)
Use the Publix coupon with (2) manufacturer’s coupons and get both packages for FREE πŸ™‚

Onlyone over on the I Heart Publix forum reports that Biz Powder 37.5 oz (25% more free) is priced at $2.99.Β  Use theΒ  $2/1 printable HERE or $1/1 printable HERE to get each for as little as 99Β’!

Brittany emailed to give a heads up to those that those who bought the Gerber Yogurt Blends that are on sale for 2/$4 need to look for a Try Me Free Rebate peelie on the back just above the UPC code on the box!