I spent this morning getting pictures made of the boys at the park (thanks so much Mandey!!)  I had great intentions to do tons of scrapbooks for my boys.  I imagined doing birthday books, holidays, sports and everything in between.  Well–I started one for my oldest son a few years ago and that was as much as I could handle–I just don’t have any time!!  I found a better option for me–photo books!!  All you have to do is upload pictures sort them a little and… voila you have a great book without a ton of effort. 

I found a great deal to share with you guys.  Now through August 31 you can score a FREE 20 page Large Hardcover Photo Book from Picaboo.  These are VERY nice books that retail for like $40 and you can score it for just the cost of shipping ($8.99). My kids love these…for some reason my boys love to look at themselves in pictures!!  I am always looking for a deal –I want them to be able to enjoy the books without me freaking out that they are going to mess them up!! 
Thanks to Amanda at A Few Short Cuts for the heads up!!