The fabulous Happy reported a new booklet posted on the I Heart Publix forum.
kbleiler found the booklet seen in the picture which contains the following Publix coupons (expire 9/25).  This is likely the booklet passed out at the Gerber/Huggies event that was in stores this weekend.  So you might ask at the customer service desk if you can’t find this one.
$5/1 Gerber Good start instant formula powders assorted varities 24-25.7 oz cans
B2G1 SweetNourish or Yogurt Blends
B2G1 Gerber Graduate Items
$5/1 Huggies diapers
$3/1 Pull-Ups training pants or Goodnites product
$2/1 Huggies Baby wipes refills, 184-360 ct. 
Also includes a $5 Publix gift card by mail if you buy at least $25 worth of Kimberly Clark brands in one shopping trip. 
I looked to see if I could find a MIR form online but only found a link to the sweepstakes.  You can go HERE to register to win $5000 in free groceries or one of one hundred $50 Publix gift cards
Thanks to Happy & kbleiler