Keep sending in those questions – we love to answer them! Just remember if we didn’t get to your question this week…we will do our best to cover it another week!! As always a big thanks to my buddy Christy over at Haphazardly Hobbying who gives me so much help to get the questions answered.
Remember–there is a tab at the top of the site called “Q & A” where I organize the questions and answers from this feature so that it can serve as a quick reference!
Here are this week’s questions:

  1. How would you recommend I find coupons for items that aren’t on sale?
  2. Do you have any tips on where to find coupons for or how to save on organic products?
  3. Is it okay to take a hang tag off an item in one store and then go to another store that has the item on sale to use the coupon there instead?
  4. How do you prevent your receipts from fading?
  5. Why do coupons have a cash value listed on them?
  6. Why doesn’t Publix ever have double coupon days like some other stores do?
  7. At which store do you think you save more money – Kroger or Publix?
  8. How do you deal with the customers in line behind you getting upset over your coupon usage?
  9. Can I use 1 coupon for each BOGO product that I purchase?
  10. Do you have a list or some other reference guide to the sales cycles?

And here are the answers!

  1. Stephanie wants to know: How would you recommend I find coupons for items that aren’t on sale?
  2. Use the coupon database (click the tab at the top of the site) to search for coupons for any item – either by brand, product name, or anything else, really! I’d also recommend checking company websites for items you buy frequently – they may have a newsletter you can sign up for so you’ll be first to know when a new coupon comes out.

  3. Kelli wants to know: Do you have any tips on where to find coupons for or how to save on organic products?
  4. There are actually several great coupon resources–here are my favorites: Mambo Sprouts, Organic Valley, Delicious Living, Whole Foods. Make a list of your favorite organic items–head over to those brand websites as you will often find coupons!
    There are also many blogs devoted to Organic deals–try Organic Deals & Coupons and The Thrifty Mama.

  5. Sherry wants to know: You’ve probably answered this question before, but I just can’t remember. Is it okay to take a hang tag off an item in one store and then go to another store that has the item on sale to use the coupon there instead?
  6. Christy: This is going to have to be a call that you make for yourself. I personally don’t think that there’s anything wrong with taking a hangtag or two off a product especially if you know that you’re going to use it right away. In my mind, the manufacturer puts that coupon on its product in hopes that the product will be purchased – and if I’m purchasing the product with the coupon, then that’s good enough for me! However, I know there are plenty of people who would disagree with my point of view, and that’s fine…to each their own!
    Michelle:  This is one of the grey areas of couponing where everyone will have an opinion.  I always recommend you go with what feels right to you!  You could also talk to your store and get their opinion.

  7. Kristi wants to know: How do you prevent your receipts from fading? I wanted to submit a receipt for a rebate and it was so faded (it was stored safely in my binder folder) that I was not able to submit it.
  8. Christy: From what I’ve read, the chemicals in the receipts can react to different elements- in this case, plastic – which can make them fade more quickly than normal. You might want to store your receipts in a paper envelope or folder and see if that makes a difference. Another thing that can react with the receipts is heat – so make sure that you keep your binder cool if you’re going to keep your receipts in there!
    Michelle: Christy is right.  I keep my receipts in an accordion folder that stays beside my desk.  I don’t have many issues with fading…but a receipt left in my car will be quick to fade.  Also, if you know you will be sumbitting a receipt for a rebate –make a copy so that you can submit it with your original receipt. I usually make a copy and store a copy as a file on my computer in case there are any issues with the rebate.

  9. Rich wants to know: Why do coupons have a cash value listed on them? 1/100 cent, $0.002 etc…what’s the point?
  10. Christy: This is one that I really don’t have an answer for, so I googled around and it seems that some states may have e a law requiring that all coupons have a stated cash value. Though I ran across this info on a few different sites, I’m not 100% sure that it is correct – if anyone out there knows more about this, please tell us in the comments!
    Michelle: I found the following info on AskYahoo: 
    To protect consumers, several U.S. states passed laws that required trading stamps and coupons to be printed with a common value. These laws are still on the books in a number of states, so it’s simpler for manufacturers to include a cash value on all nationally distributed coupons.

  11. Phyllis wants to know: Why doesn’t Publix ever have double coupon days like some other stores do?
  12. Christy: Phyllis, I assume you’re writing in from Florida since the stores in all the other states (to the best of my knowledge, that is) all double coupons up to $.50 every day. I’m with you – I wish we could get some double coupons every once in a while too – but at least we get true BOGO!
    Michelle:  Yes, Phyllis many of us do get to double coupons each day.  This is an store incentive and used as a way for stores to compete.  Since Publix is top dog in Florida there really is not much need to compete and offer the doubling incentive.

  13. Kelly wants to know: At which store do you think you save more money – Kroger or Publix?
  14. Christy: This one is all Michelle, since there are no Krogers in my area!
    Michelle:  By far Publix!!! There will always be stores that have some things cheaper than another store.  It will be very hard for any store to compete with Publix BOGO deals…especially BOGO deals with a coupon!!  Since Publix usually has 30+ BOGO items each week you can always grab a great deal.  As you can see by the very long list of Super Deals that I post each week the deals do not stop at the BOGO items!!
    Kroger may have a few good deals each week –especially when they offer their Mega sales but if you look at the overall savings…based on my experience Publix wins with best overall savings!   Publix is also a better place to shop.  The stores are maintained and the employees are great.  That alone is a big plus for me!  You will rarely ever find me at a Walmart because I can’t stand the disorder and let’s just say their employees are not know to be the most friendly people on earth –especially if you happen to have a coupon 🙂
    Top that off with the fact that their products are a much better quality than any other store out there.  I love to pass by the meat department to find them cutting the steaks for the day.  The produce is fresh and do I even need comment on their bakery 🙂  YUM!!   
    When you add it all up…Publix wins– hands down! 

  15. Nicole wants to know: How do you deal with the customers in line behind you getting upset over your coupon usage? I had a man today make me feel awful for using so many and holding up the line. I normally don’t make eye contact to avoid confrontation but he was huffing and puffing saying “man, there’s more??” every few seconds. I looked at him and told him that I have 7 kids and every bit saved helps. But he still kept making comments. What do you guys do? And yes…I do have 7 kids ☺.
  16. Christy: I make sure to smile and make eye contact with whoever is in line behind me right away, and if at all possible, I tell them BEFORE they start to unload their stuff on the belt that I have a number of coupons so it may be a few minutes. In many cases, people actually thank me for telling them and go to another line. If they stay and wait, though, I always thank them for their patience after my order is done (for the record, I always thank my cashier for their help as well – it’s got to be a little daunting to face a pile of coupons like the one I’m usually carrying!). However, in a case like you’re describing, there probably wasn’t anything you could do – it sounds like that guy really just wanted to be a jerk. I think you handled it as well as you could!
    Michelle:  I do the exact same thing as Christy…I give people a forewarning and let them decide if they want to wait.  Often my store will open a lane just for me to make everyone’s life a little easier!  There will always be the occasional person who acts like those five minutes of watiting is sheer agony.  For each of those rotten eggs there are five others who will cheer and congratulate you for your savings! 
    I have to admit I have a little devilish side.  When someone behind me starts up with comments and huffing and puffing.  I make a point to make a comment…Wow, $65 in savings!  Then when they huff again…Wow–over $100 in savings–boy my savings account is looking good! 

  17. Emily wants to know: I had my first VERY frustrating experience with Publix today. I have been couponing for about 6 months and have never had a bad experience. This morning I tried to use (2) manufacturer coupons for All detergent and (1) Publix coupon. The manager stated that you cannot use a manufacturer (or any) coupon on a “free product-BOGO product.” I even added 2 filler items to my order so that I would have more items that coupons. The manager was actually rude and said that Publix loses money on BOGO products. I tried to explain that Publix gets reimbursed by the manufacturer for these BOGO products. He was SO rude and actually said that he was not going to get into the technicality of reimbursements for coupons, but that all the cashiers who have been accepting coupons on BOGO items were wrong! I am SO upset!!!
    Okay, sorry I am rambling, I am just still so upset. My question is: can you use (1) coupon for each BOGO product (by the way, I live in FL)?
  18. Christy: I’m a little confused – was the manager telling you that you couldn’t use ANY coupons on BOGO items, or just on the “Free” item? As you know (and, apparently, he doesn’t), the store actually makes MORE money if it accepts a coupon for each item because it is actually being reimbursed by the manufacturer for an item that would have otherwise been a freebie. In any case, I can only tell you that I’ve always been able to use 1 coupon per item for BOGO deals at all the stores in my area. I would STRONGLY recommend that you go over this person’s head – to a store manager or to the district manager, whichever applies – and complain about your experience, explain your position, and hopefully get some clarification on the policy at your store. Publix is so focused on customer service that I’m SURE you’ll meet with better treatment if you go up the line – and you should, because the person that you spoke too clearly needs some retraining not just on coupon policies, but also on customer service!
    Michelle: I have heard from other readers that they have had similar issues.  Often I find it is easier to part ways when someone is getting grumpy about coupons 🙂  We all know that each store can make their own policy.  You might consider requesting to speak to the manager/district manager (when tempers aren’t flared) so that you can understand their complete coupon policy so you will not have issues at the register.  Personally, I think the store should accept the coupon as they will get reimbursed.  Generally Publix allows you to use one manufacturer’s coupon per item purchased.  Both items purchased as a BOGO promotion are considered a purchase.

  19. Angela wants to know: I know the sales go in cycles – for example, I’ve noticed for the month of September it seems laundry detergent has been on sale. Do you have a list of what items go the lowest during which months? Is there any sort of noticeable pattern?
  20. Christy: I have to admit I’ve never paid enough attention to what goes on sale when but your question has me really intrigued. Is there a crazy stats person among our readers that would want to go back through the data for past sales, I wonder? I’d love to know if there is actually a discernable pattern!
    Michelle: There are definite patterns but most I notice pertain to the seasons/holidays.  I honestly don’t know if all items follow a pattern…but I’d love any insider scoop too!

I hope our answers to these questions were helpful! Make sure you ‘tune in’ next week for even more Q&A with I Heart Publix. If you have a question you’d like to see answered, email me at