Head over to the Quaker Amazing Mornings page on Facebook. Scroll down and click to print the coupon. The Facebook page indicates that the coupon is for $1 but once you get to the coupon page it is actually a $2/1 coupon!!
Mine printed with an expiration date of 12/7!
Great find Jessica!!
Thanks! I was able to print two! Great Find!
Thanks! I got 2 as well! My daughter loves oatmeal, so this will be great.
Thank You, for some reason I couldn’t print it from Mozilla but it printed through Internet Explorer. I am hoping the Stamp out hunger thing starts son with this nice coupon and the buy theirs get ours from Publix.
This would be great for CVS this next week; there’s an ECB deal with Quaker products.
I printed this an hour or two ago on my computer and now, on my daughter’s computer, the link for the coupon is gone. Anyone else still see it?
Oye! There was a disconnect between the seat and the keyboard. No worries, everyone. It’s still there. :}
hmm, the only one I can find is for the hearty medleys cereal? am I looking wrong or did they change it?