Today we are going to hear from April, for whom couponing is really and truly a lifeline. April’s honesty and outlook are truly an inspiration! I love how she chooses not to focus on the negative but instead put her energy towards something positive and motivating.

I had my dream job in Houston, 16th floor office, making more than my parents combined ever made in a year. I never used coupons and didn’t worry about paying for groceries. If I happened to find something on sale, I would congratulate myself all the way home thinking I was a great shopper. Of course, I would stop and pick up $20 worth of Chinese food on the way home from the grocery store.
In 2006, when I was 38, I became ill with Relapsing Polychondritis. It’s a rare disease affecting approximately 3 to 4 people per million and is progressive. I was born with it but we never knew what it was. There’s no set treatment and there’s no cure. In 2006, after my dad’s death, my condition intensified and after numerous hospital stays and trying every med we could find, I had to quit my dream job. I bought my brother’s share and moved into my Dad’s mobile home.
Now I’ve been in FL for almost 2 years. I take meds on Monday and am sick until Thursday night every week. I am not working presently and have very little coming in – mostly support from family. I would have lost my home and my health would have become even worse had I not discovered couponing and
About four months ago, I decided to try one of the shopping trips at a Publix near my home. I really didn’t think coupons would make much of a difference even in BOGO deals. I saved approximately 60% my first time out and drove home in a bit of a shock. I had lost my insurance and was not sure how I would pay for the 10 meds I am on, or doctor visits, or lab work. I was scared to death I would lose my home or have to choose between medicine and food. This one trip changed my life. It felt like I had found a lifeline.
Four months later, I have built a small stash of mostly toiletries and cleaning products as well as pantry items. It’s pretty rare for me to pay more than 20% for a non-food item now or 35% for a food item. I have also used other sites to learn how to shop and use coupons for clothes and items Publix doesn’t carry. I have found $20 sweatshirts, Snuggies, socks, jog bras, shoes, bath furniture, and other items for my home for free including many gifts for others. I am able to donate so many items now as well. I can also keep my dog Blue (who I also call my “nurse”) fed on good dog food with coupons and overage too.

My “nurse,” Blue

I am not able to pay my family back right now but I can send care packages full of items to help them with their shopping. In fact, I just sent in the form for my Mom to receive one of the pink cookware sets. She loves that I have found a hobby I love and is my biggest fan when I tell her what I “got for free this week.” It also helps me keep my chin up.
Don’t get me wrong, I complained so much when I was diagnosed – to my Mom, my friends, and mostly God. I didn’t understand why I had to be the one who has this disease in my family. Then came the day that my little brother stepped out of his rental car, walked across my lawn and handed me his first daughter. At that moment, I understood that if he had been the one with this disease, my niece may have inherited it from him. So in a way, I am thankful I have it instead of anyone else in my family. I still complain – like when my hair trickles down my shoulders all day as it’s falling out a little bit or when I have no energy. But, the good side is if my hair falls out, I have 9 bottles of shampoo and 17 bottles of hair conditioner to donate to the shelter. Plus, having no hair in FL would be so much cooler in the summer! People ask me how I can be so positive, and my answer is that you just have to find the silver lining. It’s the only way to be able to live with something like this. I think I realized that no matter how mad or scared I get, I will still have this disease so I am better off accepting it and adapting to it. It’s not fun, but I get to read a lot of books every week and I get to nap with a soft warm dog. I certainly couldn’t do that if I didn’t have the disease!
Realistically, I know what my future holds and I do get scared – just about every day. I still struggle with everything but I know I can provide for myself now that I Heart Publix has taught me how to use coupons! That alone is such a relief. I like couponing and my family loves it for me. They know I enjoy it and it is a great distraction when I am sick. What do I think about on those Monday to Thursday sick days? Getting out and couponing on Sunday! My mom laughed when she said for Christmas she would buy me a new 13″ TV for my bedroom or a new garden light set I really wanted. I told her not to, that all I wanted was a shelving unit system for my stash!
I think I am a much more thankful, kind and thoughtful person now and much of that comes from couponing and being able to give back to others as well as take care of myself. I now think every purchase over and I am much more grateful for what I do have.

I am really honored to share your story, April! We are all rooting for you at I Heart Publix!
In order to keep this new feature going, you all are going to have to volunteer to tell us all about something YOU do when you are couponing!! Your post can be about almost anything to do with couponing. You can tell us about a particularly good or bad situation you’ve dealt with as a couponer, about how you got into couponing or how couponing has impacted the rest of your life…just about anything, really! If you think it’s interesting and it has to do with couponing, email me with your idea at contactiheartpublix @!