I loved reading your guesses on my totals this week.  You guys crack me up.  I love that so many of you thought that the store paid me to shop–tee hee!! While I wish that was the case, I did have to fork out some moolah!  BUT…I really am proud of myself!
I have had a lot going on at home and with all my sites. I have been so incredibly busy that I had originally decided to go to the store without a list.  It just seemed easier, but when I thought about it…I decided that was just me being lazy.  Once I came to my senses, I sat down late on Tuesday night, made a list and gathered my coupons.  Yes, I was up about an hour and a half beyond what I wanted…but it was totally worth it! 
I would have totally regretted it if I had not made my list.  It is so close to the end of the year and I really want to make my goal.  It may sound silly to some, but I have worked so hard all year I just don’t want to blow it this close to the finish line.  I know that it would not be the end of the world and everyone is entitled to a break every now and again. By pushing past that urge to just throw in the towel (even for one week),  I am now re-energized by a great week of savings and ready to end this year under budget!!
Here is the breakdown of my week.  I spent $79.34 for $489.28 worth of groceries.  That means I saved 84% this week and I have a ton to show for it!!  I also have a $3 catalina that I can use next week.  The best part is that the list includes several splurge items as well as the makings of a great barbecue party this weekend!
I could have taken that $100 gift card and just walked in the store grabbing whatever off the shelf and it would not have been the end of the world.  By taking a little time organizing, I would estimate that I doubled the value of that gift card!!  In the end, my bank account is happy and I am proud of my resolve to stay on track!
Here is what I purchased this week.

How did you all do this week? Leave a comment or link to your weekly totals. I will announce the gift card winner tomorrow –there were over 1000 guesses…so I will need some time to filter through them 🙂