Happy Friday everyone.  I hope you have had  a great week!

I am thrilled to share that this week has been pretty uneventful! That doesn’t happen to much around here so I enjoy it when I can. The county cancelled school on Thursday due to the possibility of ice….that was probably the most exciting event of my week. Ok well, I also got my glasses.

I just picked them up earlier today and so I am DEFINITELY not used to them yet. They are progressive lenses so I almost feel dizzy now typing this up. They said it would take a week or so for me to get used to them. Here’s hoping that I can deal with it and not end up throwing them across the room–tee hee!

Getting old is just not fun. I am looking at that picture now and thinking that I should have edited it to fix those wrinkles that are starting to show up under my eyes and the grey that’s peeking out at the top of my head. Looks like a trip to the salon is in order SOON! I guess it is what it is…I am not getting old–just wiser?! Yep, that’s what we are going to go with!

My mom is coming to visit tomorrow so that will be our fun for the weekend. Hopefully you have some fun planned too. If you have already shopped and want to share your weekly totals, leave a comment.