Happy Friday everyone…I hope the new year has started off great for you!

We are actually on vacation with some friends and have been enjoying a little down time on the beach. It’s been wonderful and I am wishing that we could stay longer. Why is it that time goes by so fast when you are on vacation? We have decided that we have to vacation with friends for the boys ALL the time.  I guess because my boys are always together, they get bored easily and then start bugging us.  With someone new in the mix, the kids were all entertained and the adults were able to kick back and relax.

Tomorrow is travel day and I am not really looking forward to that. But, the boys have to get back to school. I am ready to get back on schedule as it’s been crazy hectic over the past few weeks. The holidays are wonderful…but you know that I am a bit OCD and love my routine and schedules.

For now, I am going to kick back and watch the palm trees sway. Sunset will be here shortly and I am going to enjoy it as tomorrow, the view will be very different in Tennessee!

I’ll be hitting Publix on Sunday as I know I’ll need lots of things to get the boys ready for the week! If you want to share your weekly totals, leave a comment!